Tuesday 25 October 2011

Johnny Cash scribbles

Lots of people make lists, but Johnny Cash's are just that little bit more interesting. Obviously. What an old softie.  Also check out his lovely note to June at Letters of Note, shout if you spot references to more than two of their song titles.

Everyone needs a little time in the spotlight

After a long hard day in the office being patronised, ignored, and under-appreciated by everyone - and his dog - you might just need a moment in the spotlight with an audience of 500 applauding you...

Well this guy in New York certainly thought so, since he created an outdoor installation that does just that, behold the "auto-affirmation machine"!

Bird, plane, balloon

I'm no Star Wars fan but this still tickled me.  Presumably the roar of the hot air is a good likeness to Darth Vader's heavy breathing too.

Miss Bugs

I always keep an eye out for interesting things scrolled on walls and toilet doors around town, but I've never seen these.  Damn the council for throwing them into skips, I would have quite liked one for the living room.

They don't make glamour like they used to

Clap your eyes on these beautiful shots of circus showgirls in the 40s and 50s - and in colour too!

Marcel the Shell

If this short video doesn't warm the cockles of your heart you are a very cold person indeed!  Shells have feelings too you know, as Marcel explains...

Canal+ The Bear

Nice ad.  Not much else to say, other than give it a look.

Birdie heels

Shoes that look like birds. Why has nobody thought of this before?!  I'm guessing Kobi Levi likes to sit by the duck pond and ponder fashion on an afternoon.

Having a whale of a time

Youtube is great for many things - watching a beluga whale dancing to a Mariachi band is certainly high up on the list!  The band apparently went on a wander from a wedding gig going on at the aquarium.  Highly improbable but Youtube doesn't lie.

Friday 14 October 2011

Pics at the flicks

Thank you Flavourwire for making me smile with these glorious hand painted film posters from Russia.  I particularly like the abstract shapes used for Transformers 2 - who needs a big Hollywood budget when you  have artistry like this!

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Kittens do the cutest things

Like speak French!  I haven't a clue what's going on in this Telecoms ad but I still love it.  This is what Youtube was invented for so naturally it made Mashable's list of the 20 Most-Shared videos in September.  Go on...

Little blind mouse makes his own glasses

Not often do you get the chance to hear Karl Lagerfeld speak about his work, so you can imagine my excitement when I watched this video about his first range of glassware...I was also struck by how much he resembles one of the three blind mice these days (not that he's ever changed his look). Or  is it just me?  Try to pick him out of this line-up.

Bag of potential

It's that time of year again, knitting time, and this year I intend to create something other than a scarf.  If not a jumper, then a shawl at least!  I've kitted myself out with knitting bag bursting with odd balls of wool and I will create something garish - if it takes me all winter.

Cosby style

I never knew that Bill Cosby's trademark wild and wonderful jumpers were all designed by the same man - Koos Van Den Akker - but here he is showing us around his studio in a great little video made by Vice in partnership with Guardian Fashion. I hope I'm this contented with life at his age...and have the balls to get my first ever tattoo (saying New Beginnings) at the age of 70!

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Golden oldies

I love old photos - and this blog is full them (well, not that old actually).  I really need to get into my storage boxes back home and dig up some classic snaps to send to the My Parents Were Awesome.

Monday 10 October 2011

Finger painting

Saw this interesting article in Flavourwire, highlighting the art of Evan Roth.  It's not easy to explain but the (finger) paintings should be self explanatory with titles like, "open Twitter, check Twitter, close Twitter".

Michelle Williams is Marilyn Monroe

Quite excited to find out that a Marilyn Monroe biopic is coming out next month!  Judi Dench gets all the good roles...only kidding. Michelle Williams will be Marilyn, and also features Kenneth Branagh, Emma Watson, Judi Dench and Derek Jacobi. Check out the photos in this month's American Vogue.

Monday 3 October 2011

Well I suppose someone has to benefit from all this doom and gloom...

Redundancy cards from Hallmark.

Levitating ladies

I heard about an amazing blog a little a while ago (with the catchy title of Yowayowa Camera Woman Diary) where this girl takes photos of herself jumping in such a way that it looks as if she's levitating (right).  I can't help but love her pictures and admire her skill even though I know how it's done.  She's also gained a high profile blogger imitator as I recently noticed on the fashion blog, The Man Repeller (left), or could it be just a coincidence?

Zooey does TV

I'm pleased to hear that Zooey Deschanel will be starring in her very own sitcom 'New Girl'.  She plays a dorky yet beautiful girl who moves into a shared house with 3 improbably good-looking guys after breaking up with her boyfriend (you know the drill). The perfect set-up for 30mins of mindless entertainment...if only it comes to these shores. Trailer alert!

Cheech and Chong are back...and they've got brownies!

It's quite surprising to think that General Mills thought it was a good idea to use old-age potheads, Cheech and Chong, as the poster boys for their new variety of high fiber brownies - but I think it works.

Drew Barrymore 4 Best Coast

Drew Barrymore directs music video for Best Coast after becoming friends with the band at one of their gigs. Nice work if you can get it. The video also stars the little ninja girl from Kick Ass (Chloe Moretz).